Hector is trying to enjoy his day. He tries to sleep- and failing that, he decides to lounge out in the backyard
when he sees a mysterious man in the bushes with his binoculars. Then he sees a woman undressing herself out in teh
woods. He decides to investigate. What happens is a series of events that has him being put in a time machine
that sends him an hour into the past. He has to find out why the bandaged man was after him while not screwing
up his past or bumping into himself.
TIMECRIMES is a ride that you have to pay attention to. All the clues for what is going on are in front of the viewer
to be revealed bit by bit as the film progresses. It doesn't bog itself with special effects or time travel
to the far past or far future. It deals with the complications of time travelling an hour into the past while combining
voyuerism, violence, nudity, and a chess game plot.
The extras are mostly on the boring side. The cast and crew interviews are promo fluff while the Making of
Timecrimes documentary is way too long and in need of an editor to cut in half or something. The Creation Of Timecrimes
Internet Game featurettes are much more entertaining as they go behind the scenes of the creation and staging of the Timecrimes
internet game to promote the film and it includes film clips from the game. Also included is the odd musical short (form
the director) called "7:35 de la maunana".
Rounding out the extras are a boring make-up featurette, photo galley, teaser trailer, and trailers for the other
films in the 6-Shooter Film Series.
FINAL ANALYSIS: TIMECRIMES is a chess game that is very enjoyable and ends up being an inventive time travel
this DVD review is (c)4-2-2009 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. send all comments to
lord_pragmagtic@hotmail.com No time travel was involved for the writing of this review.