THE DUCHESS is a tragic tale- one based on a true story of the duchess of Devonshire, Georgiana Spencer (Keira Knightley),
a woman loyal to her husband before he betrays her. He wants a son and she wants to be loved. He cheats on her while she lets
him in 18th century England when women had no rights. In today's times, a woman could get custody of her kids and divorce
a guy. Back then, a woman could lose her kids and be shamed with no money. The men had all the rights. THE
DUCHESS has a fine amount of foreshadowing. Georgianna was popular with the people while bringing her fame to
influence politics. He affair with Charles Grey is one of the high points of the film. I like
it when Georgianna's new friend mentions that a woman would do anything to be with her children. Raplh Fiennes
plays The Duke as a really detached bastard who admits he will never be a moral man.
This movie has a beautiful music score. I just wonder what Keira Knightley and Raplh Fiennes have for picking tragic
love films like this one, ATONEMENT, and THE ENGLISH PATIENT. I think it all boils down to a great script that allows
them to really act.
HOW FAR SHE WENT...MAKING THE DUCHESS- a look at making the film using real locations that could pass for 18th century
London (and using the right actors) while reflecting on who the real Duchess was.
GEORGIANA IN HER OWN WORDS- a peek at the real Georgiana through the letters she wrote that her husband's mistress sometimes
censored. Like with the first featurette, experts and teh author of the book (which the film is based on) are interviewed).
COSTUME DIARY- all about the costumes in the film.
FINAL ANALYSIS: THE DUCHESS is a tragic tale ripped from history. This film is for fans of ATONEMENT
and THE ENGLISH PATIENT. The featurettes aren't bad, but I wish they included the theatrical trailer and
an audio commentary.
this DVD review is (c)12-19-2008 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. send all comments to and look for additional content at