FIRST SNOW is a thriller that follows a slick salesman, Jimmy Starks (Guy Pearce), whose life is turned upside down after
a psychic (J.K. Simmons) tells him he will die when the first snow comes. So Jimmy tries to stop it and he starts to wonder
if an old friend (recently released from jail) is out for revenge. Jimmy becomes obseessed with facing his past in an attempt
to stop his predicted fate.
FIRST SNOW is a film that will keep you glued. The performances are solid from everyone except Piper Perabo (who seems like
they should have given her character more to do in the story). The cinematography showcases the look of New Mexico. FIRST
SNOW definitely worth at least a rent. Shame no extras besides previews were included. I would have loved to had a featurette,
a theatrical trailer, and an audio commentary.
this movie review is (c)2-1-2008 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. send all comments to
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