FEAST was a funny and insane monster movie. FEAST 2: SLOPPY SECONDS is just as insane
and funny and even more gross. Throw in naked tattooed biker chicks and wrestling midget brothers (who make keys) in addition
to naked monsters. The sequel picks up just after the end of FEAST before showing a flashback to events in a nearby town
where some characters will go to. Two surviving cast members return for the sequel. FEAST 2 is a funny and sometimes gross
film. It ends in a cliffhanger to be resolved in FEAST 3: THE HAPPY FINISH.
Director John Gulager is on an audio commentary with various members of cast and crew (some cast members his family).
SCARED HALF TO DEATH: THE MAKING OF FEAST 2- a featurette that looks at the making of the film and shooting in Plain Dealing,
MEET THE GULAGERS- a featurette on the various members of the Gulager clan in FEAST 2- director John Gulager, his wife Diane
Goldner (Biker Queen), his brother (sleazy cheating car dealer), his brother's baby son, and father Clu Gulager (bartender)
FINAL ANALYSIS: FEAST 2 will not win awards for taste. It is funny, bloody, and sometimes gross. if you lover the first
film, you will love this one. If you hated the first film, skip the sequel.
this DVD review is (c)10-12-2008 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. send all comments to lord_pragmagtic@hotmail.com
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