Just in time for Halloween, Palisades Tartan is pleased to present THE BUTCHER,
our own distinctive and bloody treat. Told entirely from POV camera shots, this film is set to shock and scare audiences October
27th in video stores across the country.
A small group of
people lie battered and bound on the floor of a dirty slaughterhouse covered in blood. Scared and confused, they soon learn
their captors are snuff film producers and plan to torture them as creatively
and heinously as possible before brutally killing them off one–by-one. Each
scene is shot from either the killer or victim’s point of view in order to fully capture the emotional torment of the
prey and the unspeakable acts that will be perpetrated on their captive bodies.
An Official Selection of
The New York Asian Film
Festival, THE BUTCHER highlights the creative
talents of Lee Chang Man one of the best special make-up
artists in Korea . Lee and his team have worked on over 20 features, including Palisades Tartan’s BLOODY REUNION, R-POINT and WHISPERING
DVD Announced on 7-16-2009