2008 movies in review-
by David Blackwell
The problem with this year is most of the great filmswere released in the first half of the year. The selection dried up
after THE DARK KNIGHT. Movie after movie was disappointing or just OK. Movies from the last four months didn't compare
for the most part to the films released in the last four months of 2007.
Best Movies of 2008
9. VALKYRIE- The events of this true story show what was involved in the last assassination plot on Hitler.
8. TROPIC THUNDER- Robert Downey Jr. playing a guy who plays another dude disguised as another dude is a funny satire
on Hollywood.
7. WALL.E- Charming and fantastic sci-fi film where the two main characters hardly utter a word.
6. IRON MAN- Robert Downey Jr. scores with his roles as Tony Stark. The humor and the acting help raise the bar for this
superhero film. Also check out THE INCREDIBLE HULK.
5. CLOVERFIELD- Despite the annoying first thirty minutes, CLOVERFIELD is like how a Godzilla film should have been done.
4. THE BANK JOB- Jason Statham excels in this film inspired by a true story in one of four films Statham starred in that
were released in 2008.
3. REDBELT- It's not about fighting. It's more about the honor to do the right thing and save face. One event leads to
a series of events that forces our main character to do things he doesn't want to do.
2. DOOMSDAY- Rhona Mitra plays her character like a female Snake Plissken in this homage to the Mad Max and John Carpenter
1. THE DARK KNIGHT- No film was better than this superior sequel to BATMAN BEGINS. The complex plot and high caliber acting
advance the superhero film to the next level. It makes one wonder how close Batman and the Joker are to each other. The
joker won't stop and batman must make the hard choices to stop him.
Worst Movies of 2008
ONE MISSED CALL- The lead is a looker and she does a much better job in MOONLIGHT (and not this stinker of a remake).
PUNISHER: WAR ZONE- Marvel's misfire. Skip it and watch the other two films instead in addition to the other two Marvel
BLINDNESS- It is either an excellent film or a turd that could be directed by Tarkovsky better.
THE HAPPENING- The move that starts with something happening before it becomes a film in dire need of an editor. Alas it
ends up as a film where nothing happens.
this article is (c)1-6-2009 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. send all comments to lord_pragmagtic@hotmail.com
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