STAR TREK had two great seasons and then it was cancelled. Then it came back for a third season after a fan letter writing
campaign (Trek probably came back due to NBC not having anything else to fill in their schedule). They moved it from Mondays
at 8 pm to 10pm on Fridays. STAR TREK would be cancelled for good and be discovered by many more in syndication. Eventually
the film series was born (after a new STAR TREK series was abandoned. Whether you thought season 3 was the weakest of the
series, this set does have THE CAGE (the original pilot). Season 3 is the weakest of the series with many of the show's finest
hours during the firast two seasons. It does have a few gems like THE THOLIAN WEB. The new CGI effects are interesting to
see except the Enterprise animation at the end of one episode is awkward as the enterprise makes a very ungraceful turn to
go out into space.
The big highlight of the set is the original pilot for the series, THE CAGE. THE CAGE is very different from what STAR TREK
became. It is very influenced by movies like FORBIDDEN PLANET. I like the costumes and Enterprise set design better than
what was shown in the proper series. The character development is more mature than the usual chaarcter falls for a woman
of the week plots that were included in many STAR TREK episode plots (THE CAGE does also have the woman of the week plot).
Spock is more emotional and the number two officer behind Spock and Captain Pike is Number One (played by Gene Roddenberry's
wife who would go on to play Nurse Chapel). Also included with THE new CGI effects version of THE CAGE is the original extened
version that was shown on TV in 1986 (with an intro by creator Gene Roddenberry). This extended version is a mix of color
and black & white footage. However, the CGI enhanced version is full color and features the same scenes.
nine featurettes are on disc 7-
that show make-up tests, Shatner goofing between takes, and Shatner's dobbie among other things with commentary from Blackburn
“TO BOLDLY GO...” SEASON 3- Star Trek being cancelled after season 2 and brought back after aletter writing
campaign, the Friday timeslot, a change of executive producer after Gene Roddenberry walks away to do other things, the first
interracial kiss on TV (Trek did this) that had NBC execs and the director very nervous, and talk about various episodes (including
the very bad SPOCK'S BRAIN).
A STAR TREK COLLECTOR’S DREAM COME TRUE- A model maker shows models he made from actual Star Trek props.
COLLECTIBLE TREK- talk about the various STAR TREK collectible and type of collectors
LIFE BEYOND TREK: WALTER KOENIG- Koening reflects on his time as Chekov
CHIEF ENGINNER’S LOG- In one of the last interviews with James Doohan (before his death), James looks back at Scotty
and Scotty's impact on people (some became enginners and James even has an honorary degree in Engineering)
MEMORIES FROM MR. SULU- George Takei talks about how a Captain Sulu show would be so popular and his involvement in the Japanese
American history musuem (and he mostly talks about the Japanes American soldiers and the Jap American citizens who were in
the internment camps).
CAPTAIN’S LOG: BOB JUSTMAN- Leonard Nimoy and various Trek crew members remember Trek's great producer Robert Justman
who knew what the episode would cost while listening to everybody's concerns.
STAR TREK’S IMPACT- the worst featurette of the bunch as Gene Roddenberry's son comments on various episodes of STAR
FINAL ANALYSIS: STAR TREK Season 3 Remastered has some great featurettes, interesting alternate special effects, and THE
CAGE. I wish there were audio commentaries for the set. Now I wish Paramount would doa proper DVD release for Season 1
this DVD review is (c)11-14-2008 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. send all comments to
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