ROCKNROLLA is an insane british gangster film, the latest from director Guy Ritchie who puts his own unique stamp on the
British gangster subgenre. The film is one i wish I could have seen in theaters last Fall, but it never came to
my city. It would have been on my top ten list of 2008 easily. It is a multi-layered plotted film
with every character interesting in their own way. I love One Two (Gerard Butler) and Johhny Quid (Tobby Kebbel) the
best in this film. ROCKNROLLA is definitely worth a second viewing like REVOLVER. IT is funny to have a
guy named Handsome Bob turn out to be a poof aka homsexual, and One Two is the only onw in the Wild Bunch not to know it (a
group of gangsters including One Two, Mumbles, and Handsome Bob).
The plot is full of stories that interconnect. One Two is screwed over by Lenny, the big criminal mastermind fo London.
Then One Two is recruited by the accountant of Yuri (a Russian crime boss) to rob money from Yuri. Yuri borrows out
his lucky painting to Lenny and the painting gets stolen by Johnny Quid, the junkie step-son of Lenny. The plots
intersect several times in different ways. The ending even promises (or jokes about) a sequel called THE REAL
ROCKNROLLA. Definitely this film isn't one to miss. It's plot and characters amount to a very clever and
smart film.
EXTRAS: Unfortunately the small amount of extras can only be found on the two disc DVD and the bluRay release.
The one disc only has trailers before the film's main menu.
this DVD review is (c)2-3-2009 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. send all comments to