2.23- SUMMER 2002 Movie Preview
THE SUMMER MOVIE SEASON IS HERE AGAIN! It is home to sequels and blockbusters.
SPIDER-MAN: This is a no-brainer. Everyone is seeing it. Based on the popular Marvel comic book character.
STAR WARS- Episode 2: ATTACK OF THE CLONES- It's ten years later and Anakin is grown up and he gets the grove on with
Padme. The clone wars start. Everyone will see this.
INSOMNIA: Al Panico stars a s a police detective who goes to a small Alaska town and chases after Robin Williams while
trying to figure out where Hilary Swank (plays another police detective) in this remake of a European movie directed by the
guy who did the brilliant Memento. They will have to do something royally wrong to turn this one into a snoozefest like the
THE SUM OF ALL FEARS: Ben Affleck stars as young Jack Ryan in this adaptation of the Tom Clancy book which seems to be
a rip-off of Black Sunday.
ENOUGH: Jennifer, get more hair! Enough with the short hair!
SCOOBY-DOO: Is this live-action version of the cartoon going to suck?!
WINDTALKERS: Enough talking, MGM! Get this John Woo movie into theaters about Nicholas Cage as a solider who must protect
a Navajo code talker during World War 2.
THE BOURNE IDENTITY: This movie just looks cool as Matt Damon plays a secret agent who has no memory and everyone wants
to kill him as he tries to remember.
MINORITY REPORT: Tom Cruise plays an agent who works for Pre-Crime. Pre-Crime sends people out to arrest people before
they commit murder. It all works fine until Tom gets accused and he runs and tries to find out what will happen in this Steven
Spielberg movie.
MEN IN BLACK 2: The first one was all style and no substance. Will the sequel be the same?
GOLDMEMBER: After the last Austin Powers sequel (The Spy Who Shagged Me), I don't look forward to seeing this one.
REIGN OF FIRE: Dragons are back (in the modern world) and it is up to a small group to stop the dragons.
K-19: THE WIDOWMAKER- Harrison Ford stars as the captain of a Soviet nuclear submarine in this movie based on a true story
about the a Soviet submarine's nuclear reactor malfunctioning and a meltdown could cause a war.
HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION- Michael Myers is back in the eight movie in the Halloween series as Michael come home to his
house while some people are exploring the house while it is being broadcast on the Internet. I just wonder when will we get
a true sequel to Halloween 6? (July 19)
EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS: BUGS! Another movie about giant bugs and people having to fight them. Oh joy! At least it has Kari
Wurher in it.
XXX: Vin Diesel stars as an extreme sports person who is recruited by a secret government agency to use his unique abilities
as a spy. And August sees the filming start on the sequel to PITCH BLACK (the best sci-fi movie of 2000).
SIGNS: Mel Gibson investigates the mysteries of crop circles in the latest movie from the director of THE SIXTH SENSE.
THE ADVENTURES OF PLUTO NASH: Will this be a good Eddie Murphy movie or just another crappy Eddie Murphy movie? And yes,
it's a sci-fi comedy.
SPY KIDS 2: THE ISLAND OF LOST DREAMS- Yes, the kids will see this movie and their parents will take them again and again.
BLOOD WORK: Clint Eastwood stars and directs this movie based on the novel of the same name by Michael Connelly. I'm still
waiting for a movie based on one of the Harry Bosch novels that Michael writes.